Stone Real Estate Beecroft is an award-winning / market leading real estate agency with offices in Beecroft, Epping and Castle Hill.
At Stone, you’ll find we do things differently, smarter and more efficiently. We're able to achieve great results, faster. With our up-to-the-minute database, we know whre and who your current buyers are.
We also find those outside your area with a view to moving in, resulting in more buyer competition and therefore increased sales prices.
Our greater insights leasd to a smarter marketing campaig. Rather then a 'blanket' approach, we streamline it specifically to your target audience. We're also able to tailor it as we go along based on our weekly buyer statistics. So rather than a lump-sum payment up front you only spend what's essential - and what works - on your marketing campaign saving you valuable money.
With our wider network, sharper market intelligence an aligned goals, our expert sales, maketing and customer service teams work together to achieve the best result.
We're for prosperity across the board, and it's why we do what we do, with transparency every stop of the way. At Stone, our door's always open.
To protect your privacy Landream follows the 10 National Privacy Principles. The principles deal with how we collect and handle your personal information. They are set out in the Privacy Act 1988. Go to for more information about the National Privacy Principles. We only use personal information for the purposes for which it was given to us, or for purposes which are directly related to one of our functions or activities.
When visiting Beecroft Place:
Please make sure to use the QR codes available throughout the Centre to check-in when arriving and at every store you visit.
Please remember that you must wear a face mask at all times when visiting our Centre, unless:
Medical reasons as certified by a medical practitioner
Under the age of 12 (although exempt, children under the age of 12 are encouraged to wear masks where practicable)
Practical reasons e.g. eating and drinking
Any other circumstance where it’s not safe to wear a mask.
Social distancing – always keep at least 1.5 metres between yourself and others.
Personal hygiene – wash your hands regularly and use the sanitiser stations located throughout the Centre for your convenience.
Adhere to capacity guidelines. Please adhere to retailer maximum capacity numbers which are outlined at their store entrance.
To keep up to date with the latest announcements regarding COVID-19, including case locations, we encourage you to visit NSW Health’s website –